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Main » 2012 » August » 28 » Sould Serfer - what did I get from it?
4:27 PM
Sould Serfer - what did I get from it?
I really enjoy watching English movies with Miasnikyan English class. It is amazing how everyone of us understands the purpose of the particular movie and interpretes it. I truly enjoy discussing the movies at the end of the session with my students and listening to their ideas.Sometimes they are very predictive, but very often they are very unique and individual.
Yesterday we watched another wonderful movie called "Soul Serfer". This movie is about a 13 year-old girl who loses her arm as a result of a shark attack. She is a good serfer and aims at becoming a professional one. But this incident takes all her chances and leaves her helpless and frustrated. There are several thinks that are very gently highlighted in the movie.
1. When you have problems or have very serious losses, when you feel that everything has gone wrong and you are desparately helpless, you should look around. There are always people that are next to you even at very hard times and you should open your heart to them, so that they can help you. And family members are generally the ones who are with you from the very beginning to the very end.
2. Trust on ourselves and on GOD is the most powerful weapon we have with us. When you trust on Lord's true love and eagerness to help and when you believe in yourself, nothing in the World can fight you. You just should be working very hard and be persistent !!!
3. Live should be viewd from different perspectives. If you look at something and don't find whatever you want to see in it, change the angle and take a different look at it. Everything depends on how you want to see things and what you do to be a success.

I hope you all gys liked the movie and got some lessons from you and your life from it.
Views: 303 | Added by: MissAnna
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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY