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Main » 2012 » April » 29
1. The Author is Thomas Hardy and the title of the book is <<Far from the Madding Crowd>>.
2. Main characters of the book are Gabtiel Oak, Bathsheba Everdene, Boldwood, Sergant Troy and Fanny Robin.
3. Oak is a shepherd. But then he became a manager. He is a sensible, calm man. He has intelligent opinions and he loves Everdene very much. Everdene is twenty-eight. She is very attractive. She lives with her aunt. Boldwood is a manager in his farm. He is intelligent and he loves Everdene, too. Troy is a thief. He is a very bad man. But he married Bathsheba. My favorite character is Oak because he did not leave Everdene alone.
4. Bathsheba Everdene is a beautiful young woman. Three men say they love her but she marries the wrong one. This tragic story takes place in the beautiful countryside of the south of England.
5. I like the end because Bathsheba chose Oak at the end of the story.
6. I would not change the story because the author wrote very in ... Read more »
Views: 305 | Added by: Anahit | Date: 2012 Apr 29 | Comments (0)

My favorite athlete is Yuri Vardanyan. He was born in 1956 in Gyumri. He graduated from the Tolstoy's school in Gyumri. In 1980 he graduated from the Nalbandian State Pedagogical University. In 1984 he graduated Institute of National Economy. He was being drawn to the film ""Davit Sasoon"". He did Davit's character. He is a author 43 international records. He was being been the USSR best athletes twice 6. He is a very good man and very good athlete.

There are many famous athletes in our country, but I chose more important athletes for me. They are Henrik Mkhitaryan, Levon Aronyan and Tigran Martirosyan. Henrik is a footballer. He play football very well. Levon is a chessplayer. He is a very clever man. He plays with his opponents in sober situation. Tigran is a weightlifter. I love them very much. They are very smart boys.

I often watch sports on TV. I watch Football, Weightlifting, Basketball and Boxing. I very often watch football live. I don't like Boxing a ... Read more »
Views: 302 | Added by: Anahit | Date: 2012 Apr 29 | Comments (3)

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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY