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Main » 2012 » May » 28
''May 28 the greatest holiday of our history, when it will celebrate undeniable as the greatest national holiday and each of Armenians must bow fear of in front of that holiday''.
RA first Prime Minister Hovh. Kajaznuni
On May 28, Armenia mentions First Republic day of Armenia. On May 26, in Sardarapat we won Turkish army, Armenian army could stop Turks' invasion in Transcaucasus and could save Armenia from full destuction. The Republic of Armenia declared from Armenian national Council on May 28 of 1918 in Tiflis after the collapse of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic.
On May 29, the ARF Bureau of Western and Eastern designated Hovhannes Kajaznuni first Prime Minister of independent Armenia. The capital city became Yerevan, the last Prime Minister was Simon Vracyan. Republic of Armenia existed only two years until on December 2 of 1920, when the 11th Red Army entered Yerevan and the Republic became Soviet. In 1991 the Armenian SSR proclamed indepen ... Read more »
Views: 288 | Added by: Anahit | Date: 2012 May 28 | Comments (1)

My adventures
I remember a few of my adventures. When I was 7 years old at that time I make the funniest adventures of my life.
It was winter and I was going to the coming New Year. I remember like today that I and my brother how we were going to the coming New Year. When we were outside, and we were playing together . We had our hands explosive which we were exploding. At that moment we haven’t seen that the car was passing by the street and we threw the explosives in the street. This is not all because when we threw the explosives in the street and at that moment the car was passing by the street and we didn’t know that this car must to stand our near the door, and this explosives must stymied under the car and blowing-up. When all this happened we were very afraid. We did not know what to do?. When this man came out from the car and shouted on us. And at that moment we fled at home. We didn’t talk about this near our parents. So when that man went to our home and spoke ... Read more »
Views: 268 | Added by: Silvi | Date: 2012 May 28 | Comments (2)

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