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Main » 2012 » June » 01
What good came of summer days
Now I am very happy. I like very much this season. I can say that this is one of my favorite seasons. I mostly like summer fruits. Summer fruits are very tasty, especially my grandfather developed fruits which have a taste of immortal. I love summer because there are a lot of fruit but it's very hot. I also like love the wind in summer morning. In the summer I can sleep in the morning, because all night is very hot. I can’t take the heat. However summer is very beautiful season for me. Also wonderful to hear the sound of birds. Wonderful for me to lay on green grass and think about everything. It is the most beautiful moment in my life. In summer we see also children who are playing in the street. Beautiful moments in the summer also swimming . So each season has its own taste and smell.
Views: 295 | Added by: Silvi | Date: 2012 Jun 01 | Comments (1)

June 1,
Today is the first of June and International Children's Day. Today is very important for us. In my opinion this day a very good day for children. Today children’s parents their taken to the park, and children feel very happy. Always my mother took us to the park. I would like that those days never finished. These days are good days of our lives which are never forgotten.
Children in need of love. I am proud of COAF the organization. Due to their children are able to get an education. In my opinion this great importance in their lives. I think that every man is proud of the organization. We remain only to study very well. Due to the great work they have achieved great results. They were able to make a lot of work in 6 villages. Now all speak respectfully about their great work. I want to thank the great members of the COAF.
Views: 254 | Added by: Silvi | Date: 2012 Jun 01 | Comments (1)

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«  June 2012  »
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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY