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Main » 2012 » May » 06
Essay on the Importance of Games

There is a saying that “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” So for an overall development of a child, games and studies should be given equal importance.
The games tone up a child’s physical growth which enables him to work hard in his studies also. So games make a child physically fit as well as make him more mentally aware.
The games could be indoor or outdoor. The schools should make provision to provide both types of games to an individual. There should be different courts to play different games like cricket, football, hockey and badminton.
The games also give players a sense of responsibility and a team spirit. The players learn to play together as a team co-ordinating each other’s actions.
A good player can always make game his profession. This way the games have an important role to play in developing feeling of co-operation and brotherhood.
Views: 286 | Added by: Marieta | Date: 2012 May 06 | Comments (0)

I remember the first snow in this year. How pretty Grains had down very beautiful from heaven. I had looked at in that Grains and I had thought about my concern questions. I had thought and I had admired that the beautiful view.
I love the snow when it downs big Grains. It downs heavy and solemn.
I love the first snow very much from all the snow. The first snow downs on the yards, signs, sidewalk and the brunette boys and the prudish girls.

Spill, spill white snow, the first snow and shroud all the world a white blanket.
Views: 385 | Added by: Anahit | Date: 2012 May 06 | Comments (1)

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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY