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Main » 2012 » May » 07
In 2014 I shall graduate my school. That time I shall be 17 years old. From Septewmber I must learn the English language And the Armenian language private. I must enter university gratis. I must work on me very much because I want to implement my goals. I must do everything that I justify my parents' hopes. I imagine when I shall come university at first time. I shall meet a lot of students. Then I shall have my new friends. We can go tor fifferent places together. We can go to monuments in Yerevan and other beautiful places. I must learn there very well. I am obliged.

I must do that!!!!!!!!!
Views: 294 | Added by: Anahit | Date: 2012 May 07 | Comments (2)

Spring is coming. Spring is a magical, tempting weather. It is weather of lovers. How every Spring so the beautiful and aromatic flowers of Spring will hahave been open in this Spring too. The snowdrop will open too. It is simbol of the first love. It will smile all the lovers its blue eyes. May will come, the rose will open and the nightingale will begin to sing its magical songs. The yards will doll pretty, beautiful flowers. We go to yard , walk quiet and when we see all the flowers, we think that we are found in the magical world.
From bosom of gardens we listen magical melodies. They fill love in hearts of people. That melodies allure all the people. In that moment all the flowers and birds say each other words of love.
I love the Spring very much. I always wait when must come the Spring. It bring with it love, happines and other things.

And finally the Spring is love!!!!!!!!!!!
Views: 293 | Added by: Anahit | Date: 2012 May 07 | Comments (1)

My homeland is very important for me. I was born in ARMENIA. I am proud of being Armenian. I like my homeland very much. My opinion it’s very valuable for each Armenian. I don’t know why I like corner of my homeland. Being Armenian and hearing the story about my homeland I start love my homeland’s stone and land. When I remember stories of my grandfather which he told me many years ago. They are impressed in my memory. I can’t delete from my mind. I like very much read books about my homeland. Tour in my homeland I always feel really feeling which more important for me. I haven’t gone other country, and I always want to know what will happen with me this time. I really my homeland. In spit of one year ago I went my aunt home. She lives in Masis. I left there ten days. I miss my family very much, I miss my village too. When I came my village I relax that finally I’m in my house and village. What happen when I will go other country when I left my aunt home only ten days it’s my country. ... Read more »
Views: 292 | Added by: Silvi | Date: 2012 May 07 | Comments (1)

What is money for me????????????
We live twenty-one of the third century. This century is full of news. The cases are different and diverse. And proves that this century money of time and luxury. People have respect if they have money. Our greats nineteenth century called <<century of money>>. Very interesting for me how they will call this century. Often I see how lower class children become victims of rich children. These children feel (useless) separated from the surroundings and acquire many difficulties. Many of the children even buy breast and their feel respected and good-looking. Love is most beautiful feelings. It is painful that love can also buy and enjoy.
Treasures dial in the earth but not in country, worldly treasures will be moth but Heavenly treasures will remain forever. For me understand the rich’s behaviors, because they haven’t been able to understanding this words. We often hear that << Money is in hand dirt>>. No, I don’t think. Else this ... Read more »
Views: 307 | Added by: Silvi | Date: 2012 May 07 | Comments (1)

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«  May 2012  »
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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY