In time of our last class we watched an interesting and a little strange movie . First of all I want to tell you that it was really very very good day . That day we finished our classes and it was very difficult to focus to the movie . I will tell anything which I remmember . The movie was about a familiy which didn't have a child . And one day they had writed their dreams and wishes about the child and buried the box with them in the ground . Then rain came and a child appeared from a place where the box was . And now I have to write the continuation of the movie . I think that the boy would grow up and would become a persone who parents wanted. And I missed to tell that there were some spears on the foots of the child. I think they will dissappear some time later.
In time ofDuring our last class we watched an interesting and a little strange movie. First of all I want to tell you that it was a really very very good day . On That day we finished our classes and it was very difficult to focus toon the movie . I will tell anything whicheverything that I remmember . The movie was about a familiy which didn't have a child . And one day they had writedwrote their dreams and wishes about the child and buried the box with them in the ground. Then rain came and a child appeared from a place where the box was . And now I have to write the continuation of the movie . I think that the boy would grow up and would become a persone who parents wanted. And I missed to tell that there were some leaves on the footsfeet of the child. I think they will dissappear some time later.
Good job, but to be honest I expected you to write a whole continuation of the story !!!
writted is wrong . instead of this must be written . spears are wrong too . instead of this must be leaves please dear Ann read this comment before reading the blog
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY