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Main » 2012 » August » 21 » My dream vacation
1:36 PM
My dream vacation
My dream vacation is to go Korea. A few reasons why I want to go there is because it has both physical and natural environments, many historical places of interest, has four seasons and have a lot of good food. Some includes mountains, waterfalls, rivers, volcanoes and temperate rainforest. Some examples of mountains are Mount Halla . Mount Halla is a massive shield volcano which forms the bulk of Jeju Island and is often taken as representing the island itself. There are many human environment is Korea too. Such as cities, man-made rivers, man-made lakes, theme park and last but not least, palaces .Some palaces are really preserved from the past till now, while some of them are rebuild due to burning. Some examples in clude the famous Gyeongbokgung palace and Gyeonghuigung palace. In conclusion, I really hope to visit Korea because of its environment. It really has a balance in environment between physical and human environment. That makes it attracting to me.
Views: 294 | Added by: Eranuhi
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Aug 21 9:44 PM) [Entry]
My dream vacation is to go to Korea. A few reasons why I want to go there is because it has both physical and natural environments, many historical places of interest, has four seasons and have a lot of good food. Some includes mountains, waterfalls, rivers, volcanoes and temperate rainforest. Some examples of mountains are Mount Halla . Mount Halla is a massive shield volcano which forms the bulk of Jeju Island and is often taken as representing the island itself. There are many human environment is Korea too. Such as cities, man-made rivers, man-made lakes, theme park and last but not least, palaces .Some palaces are really preserved from the past till now, while some of them are rebuild due to burning. Some examples in clude the famous Gyeongbokgung palace and Gyeonghuigung palace. In conclusion, I really hope to visit Korea because of its environment. It really has a balance in environment between physical and human environment. That makes it attracting to me.

Great !!! Wish you to have a nice trip to your dream country !!!

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«  August 2012  »
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