Are computer games useful for youth? There are different opinions about this. For grownups computer games are not good and useful for youth, because those games cut them from daily activities and those games affect their health. Youth claim that computer games are important in their in lives. They like computer games very much, and they spend much time at computer. To sum up, I think that computer games are not useful for youth and are not good, useful for youth, because the youth can spend this time to read book, or study different languages. Also they can play computer games one hour and end.
There are different opinions about this. For grownups computer games are not good and useful for youth, because those games cut them from daily activities and those games affect their health. Youth claim that computer games are important in their in lives. They like computer games very much, and they spend much time at computer. To sum up, I think that computer games are not useful for youth and are not good, useful for youth, because the youth can spend this time to read books, or study different languages. Also they can play computer games one hour and end.
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY