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COAF Englishh Classes And Summer Camp
2012 Jul 18, 7:44 PM
The children’s smile is everything, and we are grateful to COAF for this.

Frist I would like to thank COAF’s workers that they initiate this English program and This excellent English summer camp. These ten days were very interesting and exciting days for me. The contact with American the volunteers improved my English. So volunteers organized different games which were very pleasant and wonderful.
In camp we also had guests from different organization and they presenting their activities. Over that time we took even more active participation in the camp. My English steps are to begin here. Thanks to my positive teacher Miss Anna today we can write essays and blogs and post them on our So we can see our former and current knowledge of the differences.
During the camp we visited Sardarapat with all groups, and there we had a wonderful time. On day we entered Sardarapat’s museum too. There we again recalled the history of our past. On the independence day of America we went to Qarakert and there we had our hand made barbecue, which was very amusing and after that we started to play different game with our volunteers. That day was very good. Finally, July 13 was the saddest day of camp, because it was the last day and soon our wonderful camp days would have been over. That day was called << Talent Show>> and each groups presented their talent. Everyone and everything was very good. That day happy and sad day for me. I’m very sad that cam is over and I don’t see our wonderful volunteers. I also would like to thank them for their excellent work.
Now I want to say why I want to learn English and why is it important for me? .First, in my opinion that all know English is international language. And due to it we are able establish contacts with other countries. Second, I like it, and I’m pleased to learn. Third, to communicate with tourist, and in introduce our culture to them, I think is it lovely to know many languages, and this helps me feel good. I have a slogan for my life.<< To learn, to learn, to learn>>. This is the meaning of life.
Category: Hometasks | Added by: Silvi
Views: 441 | Downloads: 0 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 2
2 Silvi   (2012 Jul 18 8:52 PM) [Entry]
thanks smile

1 MissAnna   (2012 Jul 18 8:38 PM) [Entry]
The children’s smile is everything, and we are grateful to COAF for this.

Frist, I would like to thank COAF workersas they initiated this English program and this excellent English summer camp. These ten days were very interesting and exciting days for me. The contact with American the volunteers improved my English. So, volunteers organized different games which were very pleasant and wonderful.
In camp we also had guests from different organizations and they presented their activities. Over that time we took even more active participation in the camp. My English steps are to begin here. Thanks to my positive teacher Miss Anna today we can write essays and blogs and post them on our So we can see the differences of our former and current knowledge.
During the camp we visited Sardarapat with all groups, and there we had a wonderful time. On that day we entered Sardarapat’s museum too. There we again recalled the history of our past. On the independence day of America we went to Qarakert and there we had our hand made barbecue, which was very amusing and after that we started to play different games with our volunteers. That day was very good. Finally, July 13 was the saddest day of the camp, because it was the last day and soon our wonderful camp days would have been over. That day was called << Talent Show>> day and each groups presented their talent. Everyone and everything was very good. That day was a happy and sad day for me. I’m very sad that the camp is over and I don’t see our wonderful volunteers. I also would like to thank them for their excellent work.
Now I want to say why I want to learn English and why is it important for me. First, in my opinion, that all everyone knows that English is an international language. And due to it we are able to establish contacts with other countries. Second, I like it, and I’m pleased to learn. Third, to communicate with tourist, and to introduce our culture to them, I think is it lovely to know many languages, and this helps me feel good. I have a slogan for my life.<< To learn, to learn, to learn>>. This is the meaning of life.

For this time again you shine with your ideas Silvi jan !!! I am so pleased to read your improved English day by day !!!

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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY