Domestic violence is present in almost every society of the world. The term can be classified on various bases. Violence against spouse, children or elderly is few of some commonly encountered cases. Women and children are often the soft targets. In Indian society the situation is really gruesome. A significant number of deaths are taking place on daily basis, as a result of domestic violence only. Illiteracy, economical dependency on men folk and the otherwise male dominated society is some of the attributing factors to the problem. Dowry is one of the leading causes that results in violence against the newly-wed brides. Physically assaulting women, making horrendous remarks and depriving them of basic humanly rights are often showcased in many parts of the country. Similarly, children are also made the target of this inhuman behaviour.
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY