I think in the world every people have friend and I'm just one of them.I have many friends .Some time ago I thought that every people can had boyfriend and girlfriend but when we spoke about boyfriend in our Engliss classes with MISS ANN and I think in life there are real boyfriends, but I understood that in real life cant be real boyfriend and I changed my opinion.In school i have many boyfrinens but they cant be real boyfrined because when i have some problems i cant call them and say that i have some problem , please help me! Maybe come a time when our boyfriend whom with I communicate in a few years, he our kills friendship different reasons. So in life cant be boyfrined ; just friend but not long time .the longest several years.
I think in the world every person hasa friend and I'm just one of them. I have many friends. Some time ago I thought that every person can havea firend but when we spoke aboutmale friends in our English classes with MISS ANN and I thouht in life there are real male friends, but I understood that in real life there cant be a real male friend and I changed my opinion. In school i have many male frinens but they cant be real frineds because when i have some problems i cant call them and say that i have some problem, please help me! Maybe there will come a time when our male friend with whom I communicate for a few years, he kills our friendship for different reasons. So, in life there cant be male frineds; just a friend but not for a long time. the longest several years.
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY