In life every one will meet many people that say that they are your friend, but you will make only a few true friends. What is a friend? In the dictionary a friend is defined as one that is not hostile, or one attached to another by affection or esteem, a favored companion. In my opinion a friend is much more than that. A friend is some one that will stand by you, even during the toughest times. To me friendship is about believing in your friends and helping them to achieve all they can or want to do in life. We are there for each other with hugs, advice, kind words, fights, and anger, whatever comes along. When the day ends, we are still friends who have each other no matter what happens.Friendship is very big concept.Around us we see many humans,they say that they were our friends.But if we look better,it is not so like this .All of these people are intolerant,unreliabe,egotistical,stingy,and etc. But real friend must be reliable,supportive,informal,kind,apprehensive,loving , and I can say many other things ...We choose friends and the time chooses the best friends.and the best friends choose time.And finally : <<B>>elieve in each other. <<E>>xchange silly stories <<S>>hare favorite clothes. <<T>>ell it like it is.
<<F>>ind the answers. <<R>>ely on each other. <<I>>nspire bravery. <<E>>ncourage dreams. <<N>>ever stop caring. <<D>>evise crazy schemes. <<S>>tand by each other.
In life every one will meet many people who will say that they are your friend, but you will make only a few true friends. What is a friend? In the dictionary a friend is defined as one that is not hostile, or one attached to another by affection or esteem, a favored companion. In my opinion, a friend is much more than that. A friend is someone that will stand by you, even during the toughest times. To me, friendship is about believing in your friends and helping them to achieve all they can or want to do in life. We are there for each other with hugs, advice, kind words, fights, and anger, whatever comes along. When the day ends, we are still friends who have each other no matter what happens. Friendship is a very big concept. Around us we see many humans, they say that they are our friends. But if we look better,it is not so like this .All of these people are intolerant, unreliabe, egotistical, stingy, and etc. But a real friend must be reliable, supportive, informal, kind, apprehensive, loving, and I can say many other things ...We choose friends and the time chooses the best friends. and the best friends choose time. And finally: <<B>>elieve in each other. <<E>>xchange silly stories <<S>>hare favorite clothes. <<T>>ell it like it is.
<<F>>ind the answers. <<R>>ely on each other. <<I>>nspire bravery. <<E>>ncourage dreams. <<N>>ever stop caring. <<D>>evise crazy schemes. <<S>>tand by each other.
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY