My dream vacation As each people has its specific dreams, so do I have vacation dream.I want to be in spaceship and there will stay only 4 days.I want to fly space with spaceship because I want see the world from space.I want to see whether what's happinig on earth, how to move earthly bodies.Also I want to go in space with three peoples and on people will be scientists that he will explain us more detail about space.I would like to closely to see the stars, the moon anb the sun. At least one minutes catch them and will be such posibility that I can catch them and bring with me as remembrance. SO I would like very much that my this dream will bocome reality.. This is my first dream I have second dream wich is located in the Republic of Slovinia.Which is considered one of the world's most popular maze.I want to be there and envelop all area, also relax there hotel.The maze was found by Chech Moko.This maze ix houge treasure for Slovonia.And tirth dream that I will my dream University.
As each person has itshis specific dreams, so do I have a vacation dream.I want to be in spaceship and there will stay only 4 days.I want to fly to space on a spaceship because I want to see the world from space.I want to see what's happenig on Earth, how the earthly bodies move.Also I want to goto space with three peoples and these people will be scientists that he will explain us more detailed about space. I would like to closely to see the stars, the moon and the sun. At least for one minute to catch them and there will be such a posibility that I can catch them and bring with me as remembrancea memory. SO I would like very much my this dream willtobocome areality.. This is my first dream I have. the second dream which is located in the Republic of Slovenia. Which is considered one of the world's most popular mazes.I want to be there and envelopsee allthearea, also relax there in the hotels.The maze was found by Chech Moko.This maze isa huge treasure for Slovonia.And thirddream that I enter my dream University.
Interesting dreams dear !!! Go on and get them !!!!
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY