My favorite color There are many colors in the world. There are red, purple, yellow, white, brown, black, blue, orange, gray, green colors. All the colors have their symbols. Choosing clothes, furnishing homes and in other things people approve of this or that color. The color can say everything about people. The white color is closer to my soul. First, if people have white car, they are honest, generous. They usually are very precise, they follow all the rules. They are very balanced. The white roses are pure and real love symbols. They are pretty presents for brides and for wives. Second, the white color is the best color in the warm weather. It always is elegant and feminine. But we can wear that color in every weather, if we want. To conclude, the colors have large importance for people. There are many colors in the world, but each color has its importance. Depending on colors, we can say what kind of this or that person is. There is a maxim about colors: say what color you like, I shall say who you are.
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY