My suggestion I live in Myasnikyan village. There are many problems in my village. Due to the COAF organization, now we have a wonderful school. The school has excellent facilities. I'm just proud of the COAF organization. In addition to school, they repaired to the hospital. In a word, a village of people who can thrive in the work. So I want to say that our village needs a park. I don’t know this is a complaint or suggestion for you. In my opinion this is suggestion for me which i want to told everyone. One problem for my village I would like to implement. This is problem for adults or youth. In my opinion if will be park then the children will stand their time there. They can play with their friends. It is a very good idea for everyone. So there is problem there is a solution. This is my solution. We must work together. We must have strong boys who will help us to finish the job. The most important we must have money. And as well as sponsor who will help us.
My suggestion I live in Myasnikyan village. There are many problems in my village. Due to the COAF organization, now we have a wonderful school. The school has excellent facilities. I'm just proud of the COAF organization. In addition to the school, they repaired to the hospital, too. Shortly put, this is nowa village of people who can thrive in the work. So I want to say that our village needs a park. I don’t know this is a complaint or suggestion for you. In my opinion,this is a suggestion for me which i want to telleveryone. One problem for my village I would like to implement. This is problem for adults or youth. In my opinion if there was apark then the children wouldspendtheir time there. They can play with their friends. It is a very good idea for everyone. So there is A problem, there is a solution. This is my solution. We must work together. We must have strong boys who will help us to finish the job. The most important we must have money. And as well as sponsor who will help us.
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY