We all reached to something in life to passed some way.Life is the most wonderful inventions of nature.Who does not appreciate the life he was not worthy of him.We found our lives are what we invest in it.Life would be very boring without disputes,without problems,without tussles.Today our teacher give us one picture .In picture there was one boy who passed some way and reached to something,and in my think it was great for that boy.In our life we can met many dangerous,hard,strange things.But we must overcome it all things.Life is rank.People are moving up and down.One day they are raised up, some day down.That boy passed some way,did everything,overcomed everything,and he reached very high rank.But anyway <<Life is degrees, say hello to boarding ,that when you come down not to be ashamed>>
We all reached to something in life tohaving passed some way. Life is the most wonderful inventions of nature. Whoever does not appreciate the life he was not worthy of himdoesn't deserve it. We found our lives are what we invest in it. Life would be very boring without disputes, without problems, without tussles. Today our teacher gave us one picture. On picture there was one boy who passed some way and reached to something, and in my thinkopinion, it was great for that boy. In our life we can meet many dangerous, hard, strange things. But we must overcome it all things. Life is a rank. People are moving up and down. One day they are raised up, some day down. That boy passed some way, did everything, overcame everything, and he reached a very high rank. But anyway <<Life is degrees, say hello to boarding, that when you come down not to be ashamed>>
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY