Spring brings love. We often hear these words. Perhaps they correspond to reality, maybe not. But I believe in them. When spring comes, we all want to love and be loved. when life awakens, awakens in our hearts. We can’t go against our heart. Even if we do not want it to be, it will be. One day we will love as no one. I wish that every man in her life loved and was loved.
Spring brings love. We often hear these words. Perhaps they correspond to reality, maybe not. But I believe in them. When spring comes, we all want to love and be loved. When life awakens, evrything awakens in our hearts. We can’t go against our heart. Even if we do not want it to be, it will be. One day we will love as no one. I wish that every man in her life loved and was loved.
Perfect !!! Thank ou for these wonderful ideas dear !!!
When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.NOAM CHOMSKY