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Main » 2012 » December » 03
As always we watch the wonderful movie. This movie is very interesting, because there was mainly raised values. And this is very important. In this movie nature was very beautiful as well as heroes. The girl who had very beautiful eyes, she immediately took my heart. And boy was handsome. So everything is perfect. I will say more that the girl was strong, and i like her characteristic. I like that girls are strong. Everywhere there is a benefit. And this film is not an exception. The mother who wanted to marry her girls with rich men. My understanding It was her only goal. In this movie habits were very interesting .Meaning of this film is the selection of the correct. And I like those who are firm. I understand that I have so much growing up to become smart. And this is very important each people. Struggle for your honor for your personality. In this lifi it's great thing. I saw the girl's honesty. So I spoke very much without names. This wonderful girl name is Elizabeth, and handsome ... Read more »
Views: 296 | Added by: Silvi | Date: 2012 Dec 03 | Comments (1)

Do you love Christmas ? This is one of the more asked questions. I love Christmas and I think that everyone loves it . It is a fantastic holiday . Could you remember your best Christmas party. I cannot . Do you want to know why? I will say . Because each of them was really very very good. Christmas is celebrated in different countries differently . Each country has his customs and each country celebrate Christmas according to those customs .
Like each person I wait for Christmas with big animation. It is really the best holiday for me . I love to celebrate it with my family ,because my family is the most important part of my life . Then I call to my friends and wish them the best in the world .
One of the most interesting , wonderful and expected moment is the moment when people give presents to each oth ... Read more »
Views: 330 | Added by: Armine | Date: 2012 Dec 03 | Comments (5)

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«  December 2012  »
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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY