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Main » 2012 » December » 06

Life is wonderful!!!And this life full of surprises.One day we can be in one place and one day to other place…And move to a foreign country can give us positive and negative influence.And I think that if I moved to a foreign country I would really miss to my parents,to my family,to my friends…I would miss my mother cooking.I would be uncertain about local food.Getting used to different customs might be dufficult at first.It all are negative influences.But it can give us positive influence too.We can develop our perception about other countries.We can take some information about their cultures,their typical foods,their musics,their writers,singers,and many many other things we can know.If we went to abroud we can see many famous,beautiful and interesting structures.And we would be very informed people.Going to abroud is very good thing.
Views: 319 | Added by: Ani | Date: 2012 Dec 06 | Comments (1)

Clash with reality always be very suddenly and in the same time very predictable.But never you can not say how much time must pass that you put up with that reality...

And then??? Then overcoming the hopes and dreams,you understanding that life full of with trials and like you it full of with hollow ideals inspired by childhood.And you understand that it is all what you were assured, is deceit,and the books are only composition about ideal world.All things, you thought that were true and real, struggle with reality could not win.The reality,that break to all,those who do not want to play with him rules.And there stay only to accept him rules and promise to you that is all which you believed from your childhood were deceit,composition...Kindness never wins to evilness.Honesty has long ceased to be an honor.Evilness has become a norm of life.Envy, ... Read more »
Views: 308 | Added by: Ani | Date: 2012 Dec 06 | Comments (2)

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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY