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Main » 2012 » April » 5 » About April 7 and love
9:03 PM
About April 7 and love
If we speak about spring we can’t remember holiday of motherhood and beauty. I congratulate all the women and girls for holiday of motherhood and beauty. The role of women are invaluable in our life. Many people describe for women as <<weak sex>> and it true and nice. I congratulate all the women and girls this beautiful month of the start of spring. I want all the best, happiness, smiles and love. Made with love every job fills in people’s soul, present infinite happiness. Isn’t important made with love some work will be mutual if not. For people that they know or already know the love presents infinite delight. They don’t think about future. They love just without unnecessary questions. Let’s not lose our beauty and optimism, stay far from ugly and false steps.
Views: 356 | Added by: Anahit
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Apr 07 10:55 PM) [Entry]
If we speak about spring we can’t forget about holiday of motherhood and beauty. I congratulate all the women and girls on holiday of motherhood and beauty. The role of women is invaluable in our life. Many people describe for women as a <<weak sex>> and it is true and nice. I congratulate all the women and girls with this beautiful month of the start of spring. I want all the best, happiness, smiles and love. Made with love every job fills apeople’s soul, present[color=red]ing infinite happiness. Isn’t important made with love some work will be mutual if not. For people that they know or already know the love presents infinite delight. They don’t think about future. They love just without unnecessary questions. Let’s not lose our beauty and optimism, stay far from ugly and false steps.

Excellent and Congratulations Anahit jan !

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«  April 2012  »
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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY