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Main » 2012 » May » 26 » CAREFREE YEARS
7:41 PM
Now I am a pupil. I go to school. I don't have important problems. I always spend my time with my friends, I consult with my teachers about different things. I have had carefree childhood and I know that I shall be carefree then too. In 2014 we will graduate the school. All the students who graduate they have been very happy, but they don't know that then must be very problems and they will remember their carefree years of school. Now many children want to graduate the school, but they don't understand that if they graduate they must enter a new life. In our new life we must be smarter than now. We must do clever steps, that don't appear in a bad situation.
Then we will remember our carefree school years.
Views: 288 | Added by: Anahit
Total comments: 2
2 Anahit   (2012 May 28 4:49 PM) [Entry]
Ok Anna jan

1 MissAnna   (2012 May 27 6:45 PM) [Entry]
Now I am a pupil. I go to school. I don't have important problems. I always spend my time with my friends, I consult with my teachers about different things. I have had carefree childhood and I know that I shall be carefree then too. In 2014 we will graduatefrom the school. All the students who graduated they have been very happy, but they don't know that then there must be very many problems and they will remember their carefree years of school. Now many children want to graduate from the school, but they don't understand that if they graduate they must enter a new life. In our new life we must be smarter than now. We must do clever steps, that don't not to appear in a bad situation.
Then we will remember our carefree school years.

My clever student !!!!!! This is a very good blog and very educating. Post it in your edubogs dear and I'll share it .

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«  May 2012  »
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