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Main » 2012 » April » 19 » My dear grandfather
6:44 PM
My dear grandfather
Now I have one grandfather, because my the other grandfather died a few months ago.I miss him very much.I don't think that my favorite grandfather left from this world very early.But why he us left alone.I want that my grandfather be happy and always should smile for us.He had beautiful smile and eyes.I want shout this world and say that I want to see my granfather and hug him.I asked me why you left from this world.Help me be strong.But l can't forget my favorite grandfather who always love me and jokes made for me.When i close my eyes i remember him smile and eyes. I don'd want that my favorite people leave me, i want that they always be with me.
Views: 492 | Added by: Silvi
Total comments: 2
2 Srbuhi   (2012 Apr 19 7:51 PM) [Entry]
i miss my grandfather, i love him sad love

1 MissAnna   (2012 Apr 19 7:16 PM) [Entry]
Now I have one grandfather, because my the other grandfather died a few months ago.I miss him very much.I don't think that my favorite grandfather left from this world very early.But why did he left leave us alone.I want that my grandfather to be happy and always should smile for us.He had a beautiful smile and eyes.I wantto shout to this world and say that I want to see my granfather and hug him.I asked myself why you left from this world. Help me be strong.But l can't forget my favorite grandfather who always loved me and toldjokes to me.When i close my eyes i remember his smile and eyes. I don'd want that my favorite people leave me, i want that they always be with me.

I believe your grandfather is with you my dear, in your heart and memories.

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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY