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Main » 2012 » June » 26 » My Sofi
9:46 PM
My Sofi
Now I tell about my cousin. About a little angel who is growing day by day.
Every day I see how to grow my Sofian. But the most painful thing is that she doesn't live here, and I see only her pictures. My Sofi is very sweet and expensive for me. I will say one thing, she also is very beautiful. I’m proud of father and of mother. I know one thing that my Sofi will be very smart and clever like her parents. She's an angel for her parents. I would like to see her hug, kiss and to hear her voice. One angel of joy filled the hearts of everyone. I know for sure that she will reach great heights in life. There are many things to say about our angel. Joy, sadness and longing are always with us. I miss my family.
Views: 288 | Added by: Silvi
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Jul 06 9:04 PM) [Entry]
Now I will youtell about my cousin. About a little angel who is growing day by day.
Every day I see how my Sofian grows. But the most painful thing is that she doesn't live here, and I see only her pictures. My Sofi is very sweet and expensive dear to me. I will say one thing, she also is very beautiful. I’m proud of her father and of mother. I know one thing that my Sofi will be very smart and clever like her parents. She's an angel for her parents. I would like to see her, hug, kiss and hear her voice. One angel of joy filled the hearts of everyone. I know for sure that she will reach great heights in life. There are many things to say about our angel. Joy, sadness and longing are always with us. I miss my family.

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