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Main » 2012 » May » 31 » Project X
2:17 PM
Project X
Ellen and Harl had talked about their projects. Harl had thought that his project with Astronaut was really important and he thought that Project X wasn't serious. Ellen said that it could change all the world, to make a world of telepaths. They were going to change everybody in the world all at the same time. She had said that it is was Drewitt's work. He knew that unborn child was telepathic, it could know what its mother thought and felt. Drewitt had done a lot of experiments with monkeys. Some monkeys were born strange, but three monkeys were telepathic. They were telepathic too and they were fineally. Ellen had said that if they did that different time would be war in the world, because some people would be telepathic and some people would not be telepathic. They would be unhappy, angry, afraid... This project is secret and if Harl told it to all the people they wouldn't believe him, because all the scientists of group would say that it was untrue. They had five generators.
Harl kissed Ellen. Ellen said that she would leave a letter for her great-great-granddaughter and after hundred years when he would come back she would kiss him. Then Ellen sat air taxi and flew away.
Views: 328 | Added by: Eranuhi
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Jun 01 6:28 PM) [Entry]
Ellen and Harl had talked about their projects. Harl had thought that his project with Astronaut was really important and he thought that Project X wasn't serious. Ellen said that it could change all the world, to make a world of telepaths. They were going to change everybody in the world all at the same time. She had said that it is was Drewitt's work. He knew that anunborn child was telepathic, it could know what its mother thought and felt. Drewitt had done a lot of experiments with monkeys. Some monkeys were born strange, but three monkeys were telepathic. They were telepathic too and they were fineally. Ellen had said that if they did that different time would be war in the world, because some people would be telepathic and some people would not be telepathic. They would be unhappy, angry, afraid... This project was a secret and if Harl told it to all the people they wouldn't believe him, because all the scientists of group would say that it was untrue. They had five generators.
Harl kissed Ellen. Ellen said that she would leave a letter for her great-great-granddaughter and after hundred years when he would come back she would kiss him. Then Ellen sat into air taxi and flew away.

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