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Main » 2012 » June » 14 » YOUNG PEOPLE
3:39 PM
It is very difficult when you live next to young people. There are young people who want show that they are the best. It is very difficult talk with them, because they are proud and confident. they are high-class everything. See all and understand that they are very wrong. I small, but I can understand everything. I have learned many things from my grandfather and grandmother. They showed me the right way. Young people who want to do everything whichever they want. But there are young people who have good heart. I respect those people. But what do we do? When they are irreparable. They are happy that they have everything, for example cars, many houses, credit cards, jobs, etc. The one hand, it is right that must work and get everything and have everything. But not to be jealous. So in this life there are many problems which It is impossible to solve. Can I say that young people are arrogant stuck-up. They prefer don’t speak with the lower class, they are so called. As a conclusion I can say that I hate such young people.
Views: 332 | Added by: Silvi
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Jun 14 10:09 PM) [Entry]
It is very difficult when you live next to young people. There are young people who want to show that they are the best. It is very difficult to talk with to them, because they are proud and confident. they are high-classin everything. See all and understand that they are very wrong. I am small, but I can understand everything. I have learned many things from my grandfather and grandmother. They showed me the right way. Young people who want to do everything whichever they want. But there are young people who have good heart. I respect those people. But what do we do? When they are irreparable. They are happy that they have everything, for example cars, many houses, credit cards, jobs, etc. On The one hand, it is right that must work and get everything and have everything. But not to be jealous. So in this life there are many problems which areimpossible to solve. Can I say that young people are arrogant stuck-up? They prefernot to speak with the lower class, they are so called WHAT?. As a conclusion, I can say that I hate such young people.

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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY