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Main » 2012 » December » 6 » Going abroud…
11:36 PM
Going abroud…

Life is wonderful!!!And this life full of surprises.One day we can be in one place and one day to other place…And move to a foreign country can give us positive and negative influence.And I think that if I moved to a foreign country I would really miss to my parents,to my family,to my friends…I would miss my mother cooking.I would be uncertain about local food.Getting used to different customs might be dufficult at first.It all are negative influences.But it can give us positive influence too.We can develop our perception about other countries.We can take some information about their cultures,their typical foods,their musics,their writers,singers,and many many other things we can know.If we went to abroud we can see many famous,beautiful and interesting structures.And we would be very informed people.Going to abroud is very good thing.
Views: 320 | Added by: Ani
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Dec 12 10:22 PM) [Entry]
Life is wonderful!!! And this life is full of surprises. One day we can be in one place and another day in another place… And moving to a foreign country can have on us positive and negative influence. And I think that if I moved to a foreign country, I would really miss to my parents, to my family, to my friends… I would miss my mother cooking. I would be uncertain about local food. Getting used to different customs might be dufficult at first. It all this are is negative influence. But it can give us positive influence too. We can develop our perception about other countries. We can take some information about others'cultures, their typical foods, their music, their writers, singers, and many many other things we can know learn. If we went to abroad we could see many famous, beautiful and interesting structures. And we would be wellinformed people. Going to abroad is a very good thing.

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