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Main » 2012 » December » 02

I have one best friend .I love her very much.She is a sociable friend,and she is a very modest girl .Every day we support our friend , and she doesn't have egoistical qualities.She is a very temperamental girl . And I always trust her my secrets.
Views: 313 | Added by: Mey | Date: 2012 Dec 02 | Comments (0)

I like to watch movies very much.Pride and prejudice is my first movie what i watch in our class. The movie is very interesting. In this movie were playing many famous actors.I like an old movies and because of that i like "Pride and prejudice" very much. In this film i liked Lizzie's, Darcy's, Jane's, was very fun Mrs . Bennet's performer whom great purpose was only to marry her daughters .When i watched the movie i understand anew that in life everything repeat.In our days i meet many persons who are very alike that heros . But this story has a great difference , it is the proud of Lizzie . Now is very difficult to find a Lizzie's alike girls . She was not alike her sisters, she was so proud,Darcy was cold man . Proud of Lizzie was the most important means of the movie . And Lizzie's pride and Darcy's coolness was joining and in the end they married . And everything was ending very good^-^.
Views: 443 | Added by: Tehmine | Date: 2012 Dec 02 | Comments (5)

Pride and Prejudice is one of the most cherished love stories . The courtship between Darcy and Elizabeth. The lovers must elude and overcome numerous problems,beginning with the tensions caused by the lovers’ own personal qualities.Elizabeth’s pride makes her misjudge Darcy on the basis of a poor first impression,while Darcy’s prejudice against Elizabeth’s poor social standing blinds him,for a time, to her many virtues. In each case, anxieties about social connections, or the desire for better social connections, interfere with the workings of love. Pride and Prejudice depicts a society in which a woman’s reputation is of the utmost importance. A woman is expected to behave in certain ways. In this film I do not like when Elizabeth invited Darcy to dance and Darcy refused Elizabeth.It was absurd for me. And I like the moment about when Darcy invited Elizabeth to dance and Elizabeth refused him . ... Read more »
Views: 375 | Added by: Ani | Date: 2012 Dec 02 | Comments (2)

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year .Christmas is one of the most exciting and festive holiday. It is also a unique day to party along with friends and relatives.Christmas party is a social and family get together that also features gift giving, entertainment, and feasting.Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone.For me New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins.When I can start everything again with new form .New Year is the best holiday for me.I like it very much.In Armenia New Year is coming every year in December 31 after midnight.We decorate our Christmas tree until midnight.We make beautiful table full of foods.And after midnight we go to sleep.And when we wake up in the morning we saw some gifts under our pillows.It is the most interesting moments for me.Then we go to our neighbours,natives,friends home and give some presents ... Read more »
Views: 318 | Added by: Ani | Date: 2012 Dec 02 | Comments (1)

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«  December 2012  »
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When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. NOAM CHOMSKY