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Main » 2012 » December » 2 » Tehmine Mkrtchyan
6:07 PM
Tehmine Mkrtchyan
I like to watch movies very much.Pride and prejudice is my first movie what i watch in our class. The movie is very interesting. In this movie were playing many famous actors.I like an old movies and because of that i like "Pride and prejudice" very much. In this film i liked Lizzie's, Darcy's, Jane's, was very fun Mrs . Bennet's performer whom great purpose was only to marry her daughters .When i watched the movie i understand anew that in life everything repeat.In our days i meet many persons who are very alike that heros . But this story has a great difference , it is the proud of Lizzie . Now is very difficult to find a Lizzie's alike girls . She was not alike her sisters, she was so proud,Darcy was cold man . Proud of Lizzie was the most important means of the movie . And Lizzie's pride and Darcy's coolness was joining and in the end they married . And everything was ending very good^-^.
Views: 443 | Added by: Tehmine
Total comments: 5
5 MissAnna   (2012 Dec 04 11:44 PM) [Entry]
I like to watch movies very much. Pride and prejudice is my first movie what i watched in our class. The movie is very interesting. In this movie many famous actors were playing. I like an old movies and because of that i like "Pride and prejudice" very much. In this film i liked Lizzie's, Darcy's, Jane's, was very fun Mrs . Bennet's performer whose great purpose was only to marry her daughters. When i watched the movie i understood anew that in life everything repeats. In our days i meet many people who are very alike withthoseheros. But this story has a great difference, it is about the pride of Lizzie. Now it is very difficult to find a girl like Lizzie. She was not like her sisters, she was so proud, Darcy was a cold man. Pride of Lizzie was the most important partof the movie. And Lizzie's pride and Darcy's coolness was joining and in the end they married. And everything was ending very well^-^.

4 Tehmine   (2012 Dec 02 9:19 PM) [Entry]
I did not doubt my deaaar . tongue tongue

3 Tehmine   (2012 Dec 02 8:51 PM) [Entry]
Thankssss. I hope that you will help me to heal quickly!

2 Ani   (2012 Dec 02 8:27 PM) [Entry]
Good for you dear.Your blog was very good!!!!Healthiness to you!!!!

1 Armine   (2012 Dec 02 7:41 PM) [Entry]
Good for you . Tum jan you are so hard-worker my dear . Even in that situation you have written so good essay

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