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Main » 2012 » December » 9 » Going abroad
1:16 AM
Going abroad

I love my country very much . It is a place where I was born and where I am living now . Like each country my county has his own problems too . There are too many problems here . I am so sad of this . But none of this problems can be solute at once .
I am sure that everyone understands it but in spit of this people continue to leave the country and go abroad. Everyone has his own reason for leaving the country . One goes abroad by the reason of financial problems . The other goes abroad for finding a good job there .And the youth and teenagers try to go abroad for good education . I love my country but I am trying to go abroad too . And I am sure that there are many teenagers like me who want the same thing . Do you want to know why me and teenagers like me want to be educated in abroad. I will give some reasons for this . Firs of all in my country the companies where people try to find a job giving advantages to that people who educated abroad . This is the main reason .
Now let's understand why men and women go abroad . In my country there are many good educated people who cannot find a suit job that's why they leave their country for abroad. And the financial problem . This is one of most important things too . When mainly men go abroad and don't come back . This last one is not accepted by me . I cannot understand people like this . They leave for abroad and forget that they have had a family there .
But I am really proud with which Armenians who has gone abroad and then coming back they have done everything for helping Armenians and Armenia .
Now let's see to this question from another side . Now there are maarminnerny famous Armenians living abroad who have achive many difficultes and become a person who have everything . Maybe if they stayed in Armenia they cannot become a person who now they are .
I tell my opinions about going abroad. I cannot say which one is right .Going abroad or not . But if telling honestly if I have a chens I will go . I will go !!!
Views: 314 | Added by: Armine
Total comments: 4
3 MissAnna   (2012 Dec 12 10:14 PM) [Entry]
I love my country very much. It is a place where I was born and where I am living now. Like every other country, my country has his own problems, too. There are too many problems here. I am very sad about this. But none of these problems can be solved at once.
I am sure that everyone understands it but in spite of this, people continue to leave the country and go abroad. Everyone has his own reason for leaving the country. One goes abroad because of the reason of financial problems. The other goes abroad for finding a good job there .And the youth and teenagers try to go abroad for good education. I love my country but I am trying to go abroad, too. And I am sure that there are many teenagers like me who want the same thing. Do you want to know why me and teenagers like me want to be educated in abroad? I will give some reasons for this. First of all, in my country the companies where people try to find a job give advantages to that people whoare educated in abroad. This is the main reason.
Now let's understand why men and women go abroad. In my country there are many well educated people who cannot find a suitable job that's why they leave their country for abroad. And the financial problem. This is one of most important things, too. When mainly men go abroadthey don't come back. This last one is not acceptable by me. I cannot understand people like this. They leave for abroad and forget that they have had a family there.
But I am really proud with whichof Armenians who havegone abroad and then coming returned back they have done everything for helping Armenians and Armenia.
Now let's see to have a look at this question from another side. Now there are maarminnerny famous Armenians living abroad who have achived many difficulties andhavebecome a people who have everything. Maybe if they stayed in Armenia they would not be able to become a person who now they are.
I expressed my opinion about going abroad. I cannot say which one is right . Going abroad or not. But if tellingto be honest, if I have a chance I will go. I will go !!!

GO, go , go !!!! Great job dear Armine. Note, that we say "to be honest", "in my opinion", "to my mind".

4 Armine   (2012 Dec 12 10:49 PM) [Entry]
thank you dear .

2 Tehmine   (2012 Dec 09 11:14 PM) [Entry]
Yes my dear you will go, but we will wait you!!! wink

1 Armine   (2012 Dec 09 1:22 AM) [Entry]
I will go is wrong i think i would do

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