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Main » 2012 » December » 19 » GOING ABROAD
7:28 PM

There are many countries which I want to go there.For example I can go France, Italy, Egypt, Germany, ..
France is one of the world's most beautiful cities,, That is why, when visiting Europe many people cannot go past the most romantic city in the world, of course I am referring to PARIS - the city of love! and so each city has its Description and History.
If enabled me to going abroad I would like to go in the Republic of Slovenia.
I have spoken many times about my unrealistic dream,because I think that for that I will have much money,much posibilities, permission by parents, and most important God's in the future .
Which is considered one of the world's most popular mazes.I want to be there and envelop see allthearea, also relax there in the hotels.The maze was found by Chech Moko.This maze is a huge treasure for Slovonia.And thirddream that I enter my dream University.
God will grow up successfully, finished my school, study at the University , have my own work, and to be able to fulfill all the desires of those who want to be real.
Views: 326 | Added by: Marieta
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Dec 19 11:57 PM) [Entry]
There are many countries to which I want to go there. For example, I can go to France, Italy, Egypt, Germany, ..
France is one of the world's most beautiful cities, That is why, when visiting Europe many people cannot go past the most romantic city in the world, of course, I am referring to PARIS - the city of love! and so each city has its Description and History.
If enabled me to go abroad I would like to go to the Republic of Slovenia.
I have spoken many times about my unrealistic dream, because I think that for that I will have much money, much posibilities, permission by parents, and most important God's in the future .
Which is considered one of the world's most popular mazes. I want to be there and envelop see all the area, also relax thereat the hotels. The maze was found by Chech Moko. This maze is a huge treasure for Slovonia. And third dream that I enter my dream University.
God will grow up successfully????, help mefinish my school, study at the University , have my own work, and to be able to fulfill all the desires of those who want to be real.

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