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Main » 2012 » December » 12 » Gong Abroad
5:18 PM
Gong Abroad
Going Abroad
We all want to go abroad. But how to go, when you don't have enough money for that. Life is very wonderful for me. But when you start to understand that life is very difficult. Now I have very wishes, which I would like to be in the future. First every person must to study, because it is of great importance in our life .Going abroad it is not easy, because when you think you understand that it is very different from our idea. I would like that very person understand that life is very perfect, just it have good and bad days. So going abroad - every one dream of it. As well as i dream about it too. When you live in dreams it is very perfect. So but we must not only dream. If we want to achieve our dreams, first we have to learn everything for life, person etc. When you mature you can differentiate between good and bad. There are many things in this life that we need to know. I think that's when people can easily going abroad. Now I understand that without learning you can't achieve what that something. I think about my work, future as well as going abroad where I will can relax and enjoy my time. And at that time I will be great. I will see the life through my eyes. Everyone in this world deserves to occupy a place. After all this should go there , where you will feel very fine. In spite of after these difficulties that life has prepared for us. should just be a little smarter in this life. Our in age the purpose of life is to learn, but then when you want more what you have already ,it has been a learning age. So that the correct rate your life. And then continue your life, going abroad any country.
Enjoy the life

Views: 315 | Added by: Silvi
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2012 Dec 12 9:58 PM) [Entry]
Going Abroad
We all want to go abroad. But how to go, when you don't have enough money for that. Life is very wonderful for me. But sometimes you start to understand that life is very difficult. Now I have many wishes, which I would like to realize in the future. First, every person must to study, because it is of great importance in our life. Going abroad it is not easy, because than you think you understand that it is very different from our idea. I would like that very want every person to understand that life is very perfect, just it has good and bad days. So going abroad - every one dreams of it. As well as i dream about it, too. When you live in dreams it is very perfect. So but we must not only dream. If we want to achieve our dreams, first, we have to learn everything from life, people, etc. When you get mature you can differentiate between good and bad. There are many things in this life that we need to know. I think that's when people can easily going abroad. Now I understand that without learning you can't achieve what that anything. I think about my work, future as well as going abroad where I will can be able torelax and enjoy my time. And at that time I will be great. I will see the life through my eyes. Everyone in this world deserves to occupying a place. After all this you should go there, where you will feel very fine, In spite of after allthese difficulties that life has prepared for us. One should just be a little smarter in this life. In Our age the purpose of life is to learning, but then when you want more than youalready have, it is a learning age. So that the correct rate your life. And then continue your life, going abroad to any country.
Enjoy the life!!!!!!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaay !!!! What a full post !!! Great job dear Silvi !!! You happened to have several erors that I corrected. PLease, have a look at them and let us discuss them in class.

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