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Main » 2012 » December » 22 » Life living wife
6:57 PM
Life living wife

This is very beautiful picture, which when you see , you can think about everything.
Seeing this picture I imagine everything . A woman who stays in wheelchair, live in dreams. She looks at the life of light. She loves her life. And he dreams of one day be able to walk. She dreams take care of her own. I wish everyone thought like her. It is very important to understand the meaning of life. I understand this picture, the desire to live in this woman's heart is not dead. An this is very important for her and her family .In my opinion she wants to dance. She dreams of a smooth dance music rhythms, and think that she is unable to walk. She feels her young. There are many things to speak of the man who can not walk. I would like to add that she fells her young girl who has very dreams, goals. She believes in the miracles of life. In a word this wife loves her life.
Views: 311 | Added by: Silvi
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2013 Jan 23 10:07 PM) [Entry]
This is very beautiful picture, which when you see , you can think about everything.
Seeing this picture I imagine everything . A woman who stays in a wheelchair, lives in dreams. She looks at the life of light. She loves her life. And she dreams of one day being able to walk. She dreams to take care of herself own. I wish everyone thought like her. It is very important to understand the meaning of life. I understand this picture, the desire to
live in this woman's heart is not dead. An this is very important for
her and her family .In my opinion, she wants to dance. She dreams of a smooth dance music rhythms, and thinks that she is unable to walk. She feels her young. There are many things to speak of the man who can not
walk. I would like to add that she feels her like being a young girl who has very many dreams and goals. She believes in the miracles of life. In a word, this wife woman loves her life.

A wonderful reflection on the picture, What I loved in your post is the language, It is more professional and enhanced now. you could express you ideas in a very beautiful Enlgish !!!! Congratulatios, !

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