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Main » 2012 » December » 23 » <<Rise of the guardians>>
6:01 PM
<<Rise of the guardians>>

On saturday we drove to Shenik.We ruled in Shenik good time and to celebrate New Year.We played a lot of games and watch cartoon.Cartoon was very cool and I love this cartoon.The name of the cartoon was <<Rise of the guardians>> .What was this cartoon now I will tell. Anyone dreaming.Dreams reveal his innermost thoughts. Sometimes dreams are pleasant, exciting. And, of course, no one would agree to voluntarily give up the dream. But in this cartoon one villain decided to deprive all children opportunities to dream..Rise of the Guardians is an epic adventure that tells the story of a group of heroes - each with extraordinary abilities. When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays down the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of children all over the world.And if you want to know what will happen ,then watch this cartoon.In a cartoon I liked Jack Frost.He is such a sweetheart and his name too.

Views: 348 | Added by: Mey
Total comments: 1
1 MissAnna   (2013 Jan 23 10:01 PM) [Entry]
On saturday we drove to Shenik.We ruled spent a good time in Shenik and to celebrated the New Year. We played a lot of games and watched a cartoon. the Cartoon was very cool and I loved this cartoon. The name of the cartoon was "Rise of the guardians".What was this cartoon now I will tell. Anyone dreaming. Dreams reveal his innermost thoughts. Sometimes
dreams are pleasant, exciting. And, of course, no one would agree to
voluntarily give up the dream. But in this cartoon one villain decided
to deprive all children opportunities to dream..Rise of the Guardians is
an epic adventure that tells the story of a group of heroes - each with
extraordinary abilities. When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays down
the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join
forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination
of children all over the world.And if you want to know what will happen
,then watch this cartoon. In a cartoon I liked Jack Frost. He is such a
sweetheart and his name too.

WOW..... Yeranuhi, from day to day your blogs become clearer, longer and with Fewer mistakes. There was one part in the blog I believe was copied as it was posted in the internet. I would suggest you rephrase it and write it in your own words. And by the way, I love J.Frost the most too.

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